mardi 21 avril 2020

NEC PC-9801: How is it emulated ?

NEC PC-9801: How is it emulated?

- First thing, get the most evolving version here:


Keep it by the elbow, it will serve us later.

- Then go here:


You find a ready pack (well almost), containing preconfigured emulator (well almost) and bios.

Unzip the archive wherever you want.

- Direction here for the continuation:


(Below the URL, there is a window for entering a password. Type 9801 and validate. Click on the new icon and wait for the download to be offered)

- Paste all the files from this archive in:

Neo Kobe Emulator Pack Lite \ NKEmuLite \ NEC PC-9801 \ np2fmgen \

- Finally, paste the np21w and np21x64w files from the np21w-0.86-rev30 archive, recover at the very beginning in

Neo Kobe Emulator Pack Lite \ NKEmuLite \ NEC PC-9801 \ np2fmgen \

- Start the emulator with np21x64w for 64 bit windows and np21w for 32 bit windows.

First thing to know, some games may have graphics bugs, like xevious for example.

In this case you will need:

- go to the bios by holding the "end (end)" key on the keyboard then by clicking on emulate-> RESET then go down to the second line and press enter

- at the GDC line, choose 2.5MHZ instead of 5MHZ.

- Then press on the last line, then window following the last line again to validate and exit the bios.

- In Emulate-> Configure, set the audio buffer to 150 ms.

- The CPU speed is on x4. If the game is rowing, change the speed to another value.

Second thing to know, some games may require more ram memory to function, in this case go to Device-> Memory to choose the amount of ram.

Neko module: https://www.cjoint.com/c/JDvlr0qifMu

NekoProjectII: https://www.cjoint.com/c/JDvluind5Ru